The plot revolves around 16-year-old Mayil's struggle and vulnerability when she falls in love. This Bharathiraja film titled 16 Vayathinile is a trailblazer in many ways. Talking about the same, here’s a look at Sridevi’s most memorable films in the South cinema. She appeared in a number of popular films at the time before making her Hindi film debut in 1972 with Rani Mera Naam. She later made her debut in Telugu cinema as a child artist with Maa Nanna Nirdoshi in 1970. She began her acting career at the age of four in the 1967 Tamil film Kandan Karunai. Throughout her career that spanned over several decades, the legendary actor appeared in a plethora of films and was well-known for her successful collaborations with a number of well-known celebrities.
Late actor Sridevi was a well-known actor down South, long before she came to Mumbai and impressed fans with her acting chops.